The main goal of the seminar is to transform gaming practice, which is casually believed to be a nonimportant recreational activity, into a training ground for the production of knowledge and social and cultural studies.
This event is part of the public program of the World Gone By computer class.

Garage Digital stopped working on this project.

Performance Hydrogen City is the new site-specific performance by Digital Object Alliance invites visitors to experience the materiality of a speculative world of the future through the possible embodiment of videogame logics. The performance took place at Hyundai Motorstudio Moscow as part of the joint program by Garage Digital and the online platform Rhizome for the international exhibition World on a Wire.

Linking to the Skin
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and has multiple functions. It protects us from a wide spectrum of external influences, takes part in breathing, thermoregulation, metabolism, and many other processes. It also contains countless receptors sensitive to various changes. The human brain can communicate directly to the skin and make it store neuropeptides that are essentially the brain’s building material.
But what happens when there is only skin and nothing else?
Consider social media skins, the skins of video game characters, or the skins of polygon objects.
Is the skin a means of control or the controller?
Our skin is our support and clothing; it is our safe refuge and a platform for synthetic vision and hearing,
Sasha Puchkova invites us to look at skins in gaming, social media, and the physical world, and discuss the new “I” that consists exclusively of the surface and whatever it carries with it.
Speakers include Polina Kolozaridi, Alesya Serada, Lena Klabukova, Nikita Nechaev, Alisa Smorodina, Gediminas Daugela, and Anna Rotaenko.
An artist who works with performative experiment and other mediums. She is interested in the plasticity of communication, bodies in the digital space, artificial synaesthesia, decolonial practices, and building collectivity. Her projects include Syntax (a series of performances and a lab) (Im)-possible Object (platform for projects on a temporal basis), and Capture Map (performative project and a platform for sharing knowledge). She is a resident at PROGR Cultural Production Centre, Bern and took part in the program What Could/Should Curating Do? in Belgrade. She lives and works in Moscow.