The performance will take place at Hyundai MotorStudio as part of a joint program between Garage Digital and the online platform Rhizome in the lead up to the international exhibition World on a Wire that opens in Moscow in October. The image of cutting-edge technologies associated with alternative energy sources for transport (such as hydrogen fuel, which the performance references with its title, Hydrogen City) that are being developed and presented by Hyundai, reminds the artists of the open worlds of large video game universes such as the GTA series, where the car becomes one of the fundamental elements of gameplay and story.
Addressing the theme of the exhibition—simulation as an artistic method and a way of cognizing the world—the performance Hydrogen City creates a poetic space for modeling the future based on game mechanics, focusing on problematic areas of social structures, linking power and technology, while also offering a critical look at the issues of objectification and exploitation of marginalized communities and how these topics are represented in the mainstream entertainment industries.
Hydrogen City will use the sound system and video media of Hyundai MotorSpace, the spaces of which will become the performers’ locations for going through stylized missions, to which the viewer will be able connect or remain as an observer, one way or another choosing a role in the open world of the virtual city. The costumes for the performers have been designed by stylist Alisa Cayoo.
13:00–14:10 First performance session
18:00–18:50 Public talk by Garage Digital curator Nikita Nechaev, Digital Object Alliance, and Maria Fedorova
19.00 - 19.40 - the second performance session
(Sasha Puchkova and Anya Leonova) was formed in 2017 and focuses particularly on projects in the field of digital performance, artistic research, and participatory practices, developing a metamorphic experimental alliance around the broader concept of the digital object.
Is an online platform founded by artist and curator Mark Tribe in 1996 that plays a key role in supporting and creating digital and internet art today. Since 2003, Rhizome has been affiliate in residence of the New Museum (New York).
Hyundai Motorstudio – A unique platform for interaction with the brand
Located across several countries, Hyundai Motorstudios are creative spaces embodying Hyundai Motor’s innovative vision of future mobility and lifestyle and offers various opportunities for interaction with its brand. Hyundai Motorstudio Moscow is first Hyundai Motorstudio outside of Korea and the first brand space by a foreign automaker established in Russia. It has become a platform for hosting impactful exhibitions and events addressing important topics in innovations and the arts.
Apart from the new World on a Wire exhibition, another futuristic exhibition titled Future Mobility is ongoing at the gallery. It showcases advanced solutions by Hyundai Motor in the field of personal and public mobility as well as cutting-edge developments by the company in the sphere of hydrogen energy and sustainable technologies.
Is an artist and UX/UI designer. Her works explore the connections between virtual reality and real life and the formation of a new interaction aesthetic that emerges during the process of coevolution of humans, animals, and technology. She has taken part in international exhibitions in Europe, Asia, South America, and Russia, including World On A Wire, the XXII International Exhibition of Triennale Milano, Bienalsur 2021 (Argentina), Tate Exchange public program (UK), and Living Matter at the State Tretyakov Gallery. She also took part in the research program The New Normal at Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design and has given lectures on the role of technology and artists in interspecies coexistence on several open education platforms.