The Coming World explores a future in the making and ecology in a broad sense, including the survival of humankind and other species, alternative ways of extracting and using natural resources, adaptation to new systems, and coexistence with new forms of life.
Widely used in contemporary art as a medium for making artworks and conducting research, video games are simulations of real worlds that evolve according to their own rules. The study of games may help to transform large and complex systems. The game realm appears to be a perfect space for describing the external world, allowing the design and testing of speculative visual and conceptual systems, the exploration of the worlds offered by entertainment culture, and an instant response to ongoing changes in the contemporary world.
Hackathon participants were invited to study and test the potential of video games for making artistic statements.
During input sessions, guest artists introduced methods of artistic research in the field of video game studies and explained how a game can respond to a variety of issues, going far beyond standard game genres. Experts from game design studios shared their experience of video game development and assisted the class with the technical realization of ideas.
Works selected by the jury will be displayed on the Garage Digital platform. Participants’ games can be developed on a variety of platforms, including Unity, Unreal Engine, and mobile platforms.